Most modern vehicles have two different air filters -- your cabin air filter and your engine air filter. It is easy to get these two air filters confused. They sound the same. However, don’t let their name fool you. Your cabin air filter and engine air filter may be composed of the same materials, but their functions are entirely different.
Your engine air filter, as the name suggests, is located in your engine! Your engine also has an intake system that pulls in air. The air entering your vehicle needs to be clean and free of any debris, dirt, or other contaminants. Your engine air filter is responsible for filtering the air before it reaches your engine. When your engine air filter is not well-maintained, all that excess dirt, debris, or grime can enter your engine and cause damage to other components. Our team can examine your engine air filter, and if necessary, perform a replacement.
Looks can be deceiving -- your cabin air filter and engine air filter perform different functions. Your cabin air filter is located in your vehicle’s heater. Your cabin air filter keeps any dirt, debris, dust, allergens, or any other particles from entering your cabin. When driving in and around Placentia, we all want to breathe fresh and clean air. Without a properly working cabin air filter, you might be breathing in contaminants from the outside. Regular cabin air filter maintenance is essential, as your filter can quickly become clogged and worn-down with particles.
Spring is officially here, which means that soon, the air is absolutely going to be inundated with allergens. Now is the perfect time to bring your vehicle to our shop for both a cabin and engine air filter inspection. Schedule an appointment online. Placentia Super Service is conveniently located at 643 S. Melrose Street, Placentia, CA 92870.