Posted on 3/1/2021

We are all so ready for spring -- the sun is peeking out from behind the clouds, the grass is starting to grow, and the flowers are beginning to bloom. Even though you might be ready for spring, your vehicle might not be. Winter takes a toll on your vehicle, and your vehicle has to work overtime during this season. Before spring is officially here, we recommend bringing your vehicle to our shop, so we can get your vehicle ready for spring. Here are some must-do services our technicians will perform: Take time for your tires. Even though winter may be coming to an end, we all have heard of the saying: “April showers mean May flowers.” While your vehicle is at Placentia Super Service, we will take a look at your tires and see if they need to be rotated or if the air pressure needs to be checked. Don’t forget about your windshield wipers. The chilly temperatures in winter can wreak havoc on your windshield wiper blades. Even if your blades look like ... read more